Hello, World.

I'm Ian Korovinsky.

Dreamer Developer Entrepreneur

Who Am I?

Let me introduce myself.

Profile Picture

👋 Hey, my name is Ian Korovinsky and I am a Software Engineering student @ The University of Waterloo pursuing a career in technology and entrepreneurship! đŸ’ģ I'm proficient in full-stack development, leveraging Next.js and Figma for front-end design, Java, Python, C, and C++ for back-end applications, MongoDB and Firebase for database management, and Vercel, Google Cloud, AWS, and Azure for cloud hosting! ⭐ Here's what I've been up to recently: đŸ’ŧ Co-Founder @ prehealth.ca - Disrupting by leveraging AI for personalized med-school tutoring 📈 Data Science Intern @ Responsibli.ai - Created pipelines for data scraping and generating databases 🚁 Founder @ Floato - Founded a company specializing in drone photography and videography for homeowners 💰 Provincial Executive Officer @ Ontario DECA - Raised $150,000 and hosted events for 15,500+ students đŸŽ¯ Founder @ Opportunify - Created a platform for connecting youth with opportunities đŸ”Ŧ Researcher @ Zooniverse - Classified 6,200+ datasets across 8 research projects worldwide 🎤 Speaker @ TEDx, UofWaterloo - Hosted workshops on student entrepreneurship ⭐ Moreover, here are also some of the distinctions I have been awarded: 🗒ī¸ Top 21 Under 21 @ Race to a Cure - Aug 2023 đŸĨˆ Second Place Overall, Most Innovative Hack @ Ignition Hacks 2023 - August 2023 💸 Over $420,000 in Scholarships @ Various Universities - Jun 2023 🏆 The Governor General's Academic Medal @ Government of Canada - Jun 2023 🏆 Best Business Hack @ MacHacks 3 - Feb 2023 đŸĨ‡ Gold Award @ Duke of Edinburgh International Award - July 2022 💸 Summer Company Grant ($3000) @ Government of Ontario - Jun 2022 đŸĨˆ 2nd Place, Solo Participants (Canadian High School Division), Top 4% Worldwide @ CMU picoCTF - Mar 2022 đŸĨ‡ National Champion @ FBLA Canada Case Competition - Feb 2022 🏆 5th Place Worldwide DECA International Career Development Conference (ICDC) - May 2021 đŸĨ‡ Champion @ Saint Petersburg State University International Olympiad in Russian as a Foreign Language - Mar 2020 ⭐ Finally, here are some of my latest projects: 🎙ī¸ spleef.ai @ Ignition Hacks 2023 - Harnessing AI for Real-Time Interview Training 🤖 visioncraft.ai @ HackThe6ix 2023 - Reducing Tech Waste through Deep-Learning-Powered Generative AI 📄 foundAIr @ MacHacks 2023 - An AI-Powered Business Plan Generator for Rising Entrepreneurs Through AI 🔎 EyeSpy @ YRSTF 2022 - The Personal Assistant for the Blind and Visually Impaired 🛩ī¸ Fire Away @ Hack The North 2022 - A Multi-Functional Deep Learning/Artificial Intelligence Drone Reach out to me if you're interested in collaborating!


With an upbringing in Arduino and Python, I've recently transitioned to a focus in security, Web3, and machine learning. From competing in coding contests to adventurous side projects, I'm always looking to take on engagements that require learning concepts from scratch. I often go to hackathons and CTF competitions, and I enjoy researching emerging technologies in my spare time. When I'm not busy with my technical commitments, you can find me outside on a spontaneous adventure with my friends, watching Champions League soccer, or binge-watching the latest Netflix shows (Suits >>).

  • Full Name: Ian Korovinsky
  • Job: Entrepreneur
  • LinkedIn: https://linkedin.com/ian-korovinsky/
  • Email: ikorovin [at] uwaterloo.ca


As a full-stack developer with experience in hardware and cybersecurity, my skills are diversified to suit my primary role as a jack-of-all-trades!

  • 90%
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  • 75%
  • 70%
  • 75%
  • 85%
  • 90%
    AWS/Azure/Google Cloud
  • 80%
  • 95%
  • 75%
  • 80%
  • 95%

More of my credentials.

Curious about my entrepreneurial ventures and about my education? Take a look at my experiences!


Founder and CTO

July 2023 - Present


Actively disrupting by leveraging AI to create customized med school tutoring at a fraction of the traditional pricetag. Currently building out the full-stack application and overseeing developers.

Founder and CEO

June 2022 - June 2023


Floato is a startup funded through the Ontario Summer Company program focused on aerial videography. From real estate reels to landscape catalogues to rooftop inspections, Floato offers a variety of services to clients interested in drone videography.

Provincial Executive Officer

June 2022 - June 2023

Ontario DECA

Secured over $150,000 in partnerships and grant funding, and hosted conferences for over 15,500 students across Ontario. Moreover, I developed the website and used technology to optimize our operations!

Founder and President

November 2021 - Present


Opportunify is a national platform dedicated to marketing and hosting opportunities for students. Through our platform, we offer students the chance to discover opportunities including anything from executive roles to volunteering positions, breaching the gap between students and organizations.


Bachelor of Engineering, Software Engineering

September 2023 - Present

University of Waterloo

Studying advanced computer science, mathematics, and physics courses, as well as running the UW Cybersecurity Club as President since August 2023. Fellow @ Eigenspace Incubator Program and Advisory Council Member @ UWaterloo Youth Inn Project. Supported by over $60,000 in scholarships from Crowdstrike, Cenovus, Scotiabank, DECA Inc., and the University of Waterloo.

High School Diploma

September 2019 - Present

Academy for Gifted Children - PACE

Earned my high school diploma in an accelerated gifted program with AP courses. 4.0 GPA and multiple academic distinctions. Earned over $420,000 in scholarships including Schulich Leader Scholarship @ McGill University.


Check Out Some of My Projects.

Interested in technology? Take a look at my maker projects, ranging from fun creations to practical tech.


Awards Received


Languages Spoken


Volunteer Positions Held


Licenses and Certifications


Maker Projects


Volunteer Hours